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Gameburrow's OMSI 2 settings
Here are my settings. I'd say these are the maximum you can have in OMSI engine, no matter how hi...
Ikarus EAG 395
The bus was never fully released so there are few bugs, like:- There is no ticket printer and cas...
Volvo 7700 FL
1- Driver air flow temperature2- Driver airflow direction3- Blow-in output (3.1 internal circui...
Jelcz M125M & M185M
Operating instructions Instructions on how to operate this bus, can be seen on this video starti...
Volvo 7700A FL
Original readme included with the bus download! Performance This is quite a complex addon...
Performance tips
General information In difference to most other games, the newest and most powerful graphics car...
Repainting tutorial
Make the repaint and save it to .bmp file With photoshop use save settings OS/2 if it asks...
BCS / CCS Depot map
Things to know
Trip types There are 2 kinds of trips in TrucksBook: Real trips - If you do not exceed the ...
Installing Trucksbook manager / logger
Log in Navigate to homepage on on the right there is a section called TrucksBook client. Click...
How to install in multiplayer: Enabling fo...
Double trailers in ETS 2
This image originates from Promods but should also apply to base gameHCT doubles (the longes ones...
Multiplayer: Can't join the game - This game doesn't belong to your group error.
You are stuck in your previous group/game, you need to leave it by clicking here: and then leave...
Some interesting info
If map has content for example for rail and street module, but I only own street module, how will...
Black textures? Destination display has double lines?
Do you encounter either of these bugs? Parts of your bus has black textures Destination displa...
Jelcz 120M
1. Opening the first half of the first door2. Emergency power switch3. Handbrake4. Tachome...
Scania Citywide GN14
Startup To start the bus you need to press "E" to increment the position of the key. Press "M" t...
IBIS Codes
MB Citaro Facelift
OPERATING THE BUS All information concerning the function of each button along with certain var...
MB Citaro
Dashboard 1 heating control panel for the driver (explanation below)2 Mirror heating (function...