Recently Updated Pages
List of detailed information about lines and what buses to use
Original map documentation Generated from map data Lime Tour Reccomended bus 156 1 (N...
Lines Reccomended vehicles Line Tour Reccommended bus 10 01 Mo.-Fr. GOBus City 18m 10 0...
Reccomended buses
This lisy is egenerated according to the map data files Line Tour Reccomended bus type Die...
Bus reccomendations per tour
This lisy is egenerated according to the map data files Line Tour Reccomended bus type 1 1...
Tours, lines & suggested vehicles
Tour Line Suggested bus type 10101 GOBus City 12m 10108 GOBus City 12m 10114 GOBus ...
Linepack 2021
Line table Line Line code Route From To Destination code The nearest spawn 110 110 01 ICB-...
What buses to use on which tours?
Montag - Freitag Tour Vehicle type 10101 City 18m 10102 City 18m 10103 City 18m 1010...
What buses to use on which tour?
This data is taken from the map data. Montag - Freitag Route Vehicle 10101 City 18m 1010...
What buses to use on what lines?
19 - 29: 12m bus recommended, it's a quiet line.>20: at least 15m/18m bus recommended, it is a...
Map of the city
Map of night lines
Map of day lines
Citaro C2 & C2G (Hamburg DLCs) All versions K++ & BCS compatibility patch 3-gen DLC versio...
How to change your Discord nickname (per server)
To change your Discord nickname on server, do the following: Click on the server name on top of ...
Where can I change my BCS Username
This can only be done once in 60 days Launch your BCS On top left click Manage profile Click...
Paint jobs
In general, the theme is: Top white (drag to top left corner, HEX FFFFFF) Bottom blue (HSV 226 7...
Custom keyboard configuration (suitable for up to 5 door buses etc)
Door bindings Open/close all doors door_all Open/close first door (or incase of MAN SD buses a...
ALU Map Improvements
Introducing a small pack that makes some minor adjustments on the map. Latest release: https://cl...
Compatiblity patch for Mx200 Citaro C2 Metro Mod
This a compatibility patch for Metro-Mod for Mx200 buses (aka allows passengers to enter from all...
Compatibility for MAN New Lion's City Autodoor
Download and install the original mod: